

Shojin Ryori ( buddhist cuisine )

 Last Saturday, we visited Mt.Koya in Wakayama prefecture. We took the JR and Nankai trains, then rode to the cable car to the top of the mountain. There are so many old and historical temples located on the high mountains. These are some of the holiest for Japanese Buddhism. We saw many buddhist monks there and enjoyed the Shojin Ryori (buddhist cuisine) in the restaurant. It is originally food for buddhist monks and is made without meat or fish, because the buddhist religion refrains from killing animals for human consumption. It is known not only for buddhist monks and vegetarian cuisine, but also as a healthy dish, so right now some restaurants provide these foods for visitors. The sesame tofu was very nice and it is believed that tofu was developed from Shojin Ryori. I don’t want to eat it every day, but sometimes is fine, anyway we had a good experience in Koyasan.

