

GW in Hokkaido

 I had a long vacation during Golden Week, which is the Japanese holiday from end of April to early May. So, I went to Hokkaido mainly for skiing. I went to Niseko, Kiroro, Sapporo Kokusai, Furano, Kurodake and Asahidake ski resorts and enjoyed skiing there. Even in Hokkaido, it was hot and sunny during the holiday. Some ski resorts were closed ahead of schedule, due to the lack of snow. It was too bad. However, there was an enough snow in Kurodake and Asahidake which are at high altitudes. We enjoyed skiing and snow trekking with snowshoes. After skiing, we had a great time in a Japanese style hotel with natural hot springs. Our skiing season is still continuing. We’re planning to go to Gassan in Yamagata prefecture at the end of this month. It’s our final ski trip and we can’t wait!