

State of emergency

 We have stayed home every weekend for two months, because the Japanese government announced a state of emergency in April. I canceled skiing trip, watching baseball games and going to hot springs in April and May. I understand staying home is the best way to avoid infection for the Corona virus. Thanks to the state of emergency and stay home policy, the number of infected people went down these days in Japan, so the Japanese government decided to lift the state of emergency yesterday. I am so relieved when I heard the news. I believe Japan can move forward which means a new life style in the future.

 By the way, the infection rate and deaths from Corona virus (COVID-19) in Japan is low compared with European countries and the US. There're some opinions like medical system, masks, weather and different strain of from COVID-19, but nobody knows right now due to not enough evidence. I look forward to the results of research about Corona virus in the future.
