

New skis 2020

 I got a new set of skis for 2020's season last week and they are for expert skiers. We joined the big skiing test ride event in Nozawa Onsen ski resort at the end of last ski season, actually April 2019 and we tried so many skis, Head, Atomic, Rossignol, K2, KEI, Ogasaka and Blue-Morris there. I liked some skis and finally I decided to order "S Position" skis produced by Blue-Morris ski in May. That ski maker is a Japanese company and they don't have a big business because their skis are mostly handmade, so they are not common in ski stores. I'm happy to get the new Blue-Morris skis without any problems 6 months after I ordered them. I didn't think new skis were going to be made for the new season! I can't wait to go skiing with my the new ones.
